Thursday, January 5, 2012


I absolutely hate homework. I picked the kids up from school at 4:00, came straight home, and dug my heals in. We didn't get done until 7:15! I did spelling words with Kaleb, while Austin helped me cook dinner. Then spelling words with Austin while we ate dinner. I'm so sick of spelling words I could scream!!!
With both of them bringing stuff home, its tough to fit it all in. The hard part is being a single parent at this stage in the kids life. They need a parent to sit with them the entire time their doing homework. Don't get me wrong, I am married but Brian doesn't get home till 7:30 so all the homework/enrichment is on my plate. The kids go to bed at 8:00 so I want them done with everything by at least 7. Kaleb's homework gets harder every week and I've found that I now have to Google some answers and he's only in second grade. Plus since Austin tested second grade reading, his enrichment has gone through the roof! I'm so thankful he's excelling but its a lot of responsibility. Of coarse you want to do whats best for your child but then again it makes you feel sorry for the kid. Since he's "advanced" he has to work harder and has double the homework the other kids have. What happened to playing outside and actually having a life? He has to read at least one book every night(which I don't thinks bad). Sometimes we both just want a night of pizza, movies, and snuggles. Ugh, why can't both of them be back in preschool:-(

Of coarse being a stay at home Mom is so easy. I seriously want to punch people in the face that say that.

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