Friday, January 6, 2012

Early Checkout

I checked the boys out of school today at 1:30 so we could hit the road and head to Franklin, TN to visit some friends. I put my truck in the shop on Monday hoping I would have it back by today but they never called to say it was ready. What a bummer! So the kids and I had to take Brian's Lexus which he is a total freak about. We can't eat, drink, touch anything in that car. What a nightmare to spend 4 hours with the kids each way. Plus it has no TV. Luckily Brian won a lot of free personal DVD players when he worked in Finance so we just took those.

After checking them out we went home, dropped off their backpacks, then hit the road. I really wanted to make it before rush hour in Nashville. We only made one stop about 30 miles outside of Nashville and the kids were starving. I bought them a bag of chips but was worried they would mess up Brian's car so I only let them eat a few. I knew he would kill me if they made a huge mess. We got into Nashville right at 5:00 so the afternoon traffic wasn't so bad. We met at a place called Monkey Joe's. It had tons of bouncy houses and arcade games so the kids could burn off a lot of energy. The kids were so excited to see each other and picked up exactly where they left off. Their Mom Alley and I did exactly the same. Joey the little boy was in Austin's Kindergarten class from August until October. They also went to the same preschool and played together every M,W,F and Alley and I usually did something together on T, Th so our kids saw each other almost everyday. We were devastated when they moved.

On the bright side, Brian's work opened a dealership in Murfressboro which is only 30 minutes away from them. He has to go up there every other week so the kids and I have a free place to stay! Nothing like the word "free" right:-)

We left Monkey Joes around 7:30 then headed to our hotel. The boys have never stayed in a hotel so they didn't really know what to expect. Brian was already there so I text him when we were in the parking lot and he came down to meet us. He had to help us carry all of the CRAP the boys have to take out of town. It's so rediculous! We cleaned out the car then headed up to the room. If you have ever been to the Embassy Suietes on Ridgeway, this Embassy Suites is the exact same way. As soon as the automatic doors opened Kaleb said at the top of his voice "Wow, this is so fancy". I whispered to him "than act fancy".

We made it to the glass elevater suspended in water then headed up to the 7th floor. Once arriving at our room the kids ran straight to the bedroom and said "here's our room where are y'all sleeping." Brian and I laughed and said no, that's our room and y'all are sleeping on the couch. You should have seen their faces. We're sleeping on the couch? What??? Brian took the cushions off and told them to get there jammies on. I packed them on top because I knew we would need them first. They stripped down and had clothes all over the place within about 10 seconds flat. We weren't in the room 5 minutes before the room was trashed. How do kids do that?

I made them pickup there clothes and Kaleb said "Okay, where's the laundry shoot". Brian and I just looked at each other like what the crap. We told him there was no laundry shoot and he said "I thought we had maids in hotels". I laughed and said put it in the bag so I can take it home and wash it. I'm the maid! Then he wanted some water so he could drink out of the fancy glass cups in the bathroom. The first thing he asked for was where's the refridgerator with the icemaker. I told him there was a sink and he could drink tap water with no ice. Then Austin noticed there was only one bathroom. He said " Oh my goodness, do we all have to share the same one". They are spoiled brats! Brian and I were laughing so hard at them. Can you imagine if we took them camping! They have got it way too easy.

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