Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The simple things in life

I'm sadly counting down the minutes until schools starts back. I've had two amazing weeks with my kids and wouldn't change a second of it. Today was Chuck E Cheese and Baskin Robbins day. I'm not a huge fan of either place but the smiles on their faces is worth everything in the world. I'm so lucky and blessed to be able to spend this time with them. I know it's not the money we invest but the hugs and kisses that come along with every game that's won and all the tickets they win. The shear excitement and me getting to be their biggest fan, rooting them on, and being proud of them for winning two tickets at ski ball for a piece of candy. It's the simple things in life that matter and I'm honored to go on this journey with my amazing kids. I can't thank God enough for my family. I truly hit the jackpot!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I swear my kids are obsessed with bowling. That's all they ever want to do. I can just mention it and the boys transform into the most obedient things you've ever seen. This morning I needed to clean house so I used my "bribing" skills which worked amazing:) I got to clean house all morning, go to the gym, then take them bowling. No whining was involved which makes for one happy mommy! Too bad Brian's in Nashville for the next two days. He would have been so proud of them. Brian left this morning but were already ready for him to come home. Thursday night can't come soon enough!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Big Christmas present

The boys favorite presents this year for Christmas is their Razor scooters from my parents and the gumball machine from Brian and I. They're gonna have rotten teeth within the next 2 months. I promise!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Stop Talking!

Kaleb did amazing at the beginning of the school year in conduct. I think he's gotten a little too comfortable with his friends because now he won't stop talking. He's changed his clip everyday for two weeks(which drives me crazy). I've tried everything to get him to stop talking. Bribery just isn't working. If you have any suggestions I would love some feedback. I know I'm a talker but seriously, somethings gotta change!!


I took Austin to have his blood drawn at Baptist Surgery Center today. He's been sick for so long that the doctor wants to make sure he doesn't have anything wrong with his immune system.

I swear he was the bravest 5 year old on the planet. We went in, he sat in my lap, stuck his arm out, watched them take the blood, then asked if they could do it again. The nurse couldn't stop laughing at him. How crazy is that! He was so excited it didn't hurt that now he's excited to get all 5 of his 5 year old shots. Wow, that makes my life easier:) He's getting to be such a big boy!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I took Austin to the doctor today and they have a "sick" and a "well" side. Of coarse, we were on the sick side. Its hard to hear when your name is called because our Doctors side of the office is on the "well" side. I was reading a book while Austin was coloring and the nurse kept yelling out a name. Austin looked up and said "Mom, that's me." I put my bookmark in and told the nurse I was sorry I didn't hear her. She laughed then we went back as usual. We were put in a room on a hall we've never been on but I didn't think anything about it.

When I made the appointment the nurse told me we would have to wait along time because their extremely busy this time of year. I just figured our doctor was trying to get us into a room so I thought nothing of it. Next thing you know another doctor comes in. I didn't say anything because I figured she was helping our doctor out because she was behind(which does happen sometimes). She asked me a couple of questions then started arguing with me about when the last time I was in the office with Austin. I pulled out my planner, gave her the exact date and even showed her the receipt of my office visit. She looked at me and said "this is Carson isn't it." Um..... NO! It's not Carson.

Apparently that's the name the nurse said. I even double checked with her and I thought she said Austin too. I guess all Austin and I heard was the end of the first name. I can't believe Carson's parents didn't say anything when other people went in on her child's name.

Needless to say we had to switch halls and Austin and I couldn't quit laughing about it. The office manager had to come get us(I'm sure they thought we were idiots) which we thought was even funnier. We decided that we like our doctors side of the hall better because she has better toys and books.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Austin's 4yr old Christmas Program

Today was Austin's last Christmas program at his school. I'm sad that he starts Kindergarten next year but he's surely not. He sang his little heart out and got to see a lot of his friends from last year so he was really excited! He had to wear this shirt(which he wore yesterday) because it says "All I want for Christmas is everything."