Thursday, December 16, 2010


I took Austin to have his blood drawn at Baptist Surgery Center today. He's been sick for so long that the doctor wants to make sure he doesn't have anything wrong with his immune system.

I swear he was the bravest 5 year old on the planet. We went in, he sat in my lap, stuck his arm out, watched them take the blood, then asked if they could do it again. The nurse couldn't stop laughing at him. How crazy is that! He was so excited it didn't hurt that now he's excited to get all 5 of his 5 year old shots. Wow, that makes my life easier:) He's getting to be such a big boy!

1 comment:

kristen said...

Wow! He is a big boy! Chase had to have 2 of us hold him down, after forcing him to sit there and let them do it.

Good Job Austin!