Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I took the boys to Lenny's for dinner tonight. After about 5 minutes a cop came in and had a gun in his holster. Kaleb got nervous because of the gun and kept pointing it out to everyone. About 10 minutes later, a lady that works in the salon next door came in fanning herself because their air conditioner was out. She knew all the workers so she started talking to them and used the expression "I'm about to die". Kaleb heard the word "die" and I thought his eyes were going to pop out of his head. He started freaking out saying the cop was going to kill us and that we were going to die. I started laughing and explained to him about the expression. Kids are so funny.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Good report:)

Today was the boys follow-up appointment with Doctor Naidu. According to the culture taken during surgery both the boys have a type of bacteria that can not be treated by antibiotics. Brian's the carrier because I don't have adenoids and I'm never sick! He's always sick and still has his adenoids. It was pretty easy to figure out where the problem was coming from:)

Their cough and congestion has gotten better so it looks like we can stay out of the doctors office for at least a little while.

Today was also our 7 year wedding anniversary. Man, time goes bye so fast. We've been through a lot and look forward to going through a lot more together. He's definitely my soul mate and I couldn't picture my life without him.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Pool opening

Today was gorgoues! Brian and I worked outside from 8:45 am to 6:00 pm. The pool cover is off, shrubbery around the back cleared, and the boys got a tan. What more could you ask for.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Better late than never

We finally had Kaleb's birthday party today. It was only a month late! He was so sick around his birthday and we were at the doctor every Thursday. As soon as I got the date for their surgery I booked the birthday party. I didn't want to book it then have to cancel it so we waited. Now that T-ball and soccer started, I didn't want to have the party on a Saturday because that's when games are played.
We had it at 11:00 at Chuck e Cheese. We had 13 kids and it was awesome! I only invited his class because they're the only ones who aren't in school at that time. When I booked the party I chose today because they had no groups. I hate going in there and being run over by a school or day camp. All the kids had a blast and the adults had fun because we were able to turn them loose and not have to worry about anything. Kaleb can now read 2 books so I gave each of the kids one of those books as a party favor. They looked at me like I was crazy and wanted to know where the toys were:) The parents loved it because I didn't give them crap they would lose within 5 seconds. Here's some of the pictures. Sorry none of you were invited but I'm sure y'all had work to do.
The boys playing before people got there.

Kaleb was scared of Chuck E Cheese. While they sang Happy Birthday he went to the table and sat by himself.

When I tucked Kaleb into bed tonight, he asked when his next birthday party is. I let him know this was his last one for him being 5 and he's going to have to wait until he turns 6! We've only celebrated his birthday 3 times.........

Thursday, April 9, 2009

I swear Kaleb was there.

Today was the big day. We were at Baptist surgery center at 7:45 all packed and ready to go. We had plenty of coloring books, DVDs, puzzles, and everything else you can imagine. Brian filled out all the paperwork(I write too slow) while we visited with Aunt Shawn and baby Oven. They had to be there at 7:15 so they were right in front of us. Here's Austin in the waiting room doing his puzzle.

They were such big boys! Once they were called back, the nurses took their weight and height then they used the restroom. They got to pick out a toy from the toy locker and both of them got a ball and bat. Most of the stuff was girly so that was really the only choice. They both held up great, until.......................they wanted them to change shirts. There was no way in this world they were going to put on those gowns. Brian and I begged and pleaded with them for about 10 minutes until the anesthesiologist and nurse said just forget it. They decided that once they got them to sleep they would take their shirts off. Brian and I were stoked because we knew we weren't going to win from the get go. Sadly, Austin was already freaked out about the whole shirt thing and he was the first to go. I had picked him up because he was petrified and then they decided they were ready for him. They had to peel him off of me finger by finger screaming crying. Of coarse, I was crying because he was so upset. I would have been okay if he hadn't freaked out like that. Kaleb proceeded to get mad at Brian and I for letting them take Austin away and letting us know that he wasn't going. I HAD to get it together extremely fast! I didn't want Kaleb to think there was anything to be scared of. I'm seriously a lot tougher than I thought I could ever be(at least on the outside).

Brian got Kaleb calmed down and actually pumped for the surgery. The three of us played with the ball and bat for about 10 minutes then the anesthesiologist came out to talk to us. The first thing he asked was did Austin have underwear on? I had no idea. Brian got them dressed so I looked at him. Brian looked at me and said "they didn't want to put it on so I didn't make them". The anesthesiologist laughed because Austin was going commando and asked Kaleb if he had underwear on. Kaleb looked at him like he was crazy and said "well no". Brian and I got a big kick out of that. The doctor came out and said he was ready for Kaleb. Kaleb walked back like the biggest boy you have ever seen!

We also found out that Austin was doing great. It only took him 3 huge breathes to fall asleep because he was screaming crying. He inhaled a lot of gas on each breath so it didn't take much. The doctor also came out and talked to us and said he removed the adenoids and rinsed everything out(which took awhile) but he "had a clean start".

Kaleb walked back on his own like a big boy(I only shed a couple of tears because he's so big) and I couldn't have been prouder. He was a lot braver than I was but he'll never believe that. The nurses said he jumped right up on the operating table and said he would pop the balloon. We told him he was doing a breathing treatment and he did the best breathing he could. He started wheezing after he went to sleep so they actually did do a breathing treatment on him so I didn't really tell a story, right?

Here is Austin after surgery. Brian and I were able to be there which was great! Poor baby:( All he had to do was drink some juice, sprite, or eat a Popsicle and he could get his IV out. He was so upset about the IV that he wouldn't do anything except cry that the IV was in and try to yank it out. I held him for 30 minutes trying to calm him down but he wouldn't listen to me. The anesthesiologist finally said "give the kid some morphine". He was acting crazy! As soon as the morphine kicked in Austin was a totally different person. He started settling down then Kaleb arrived in post op.

I was still working with Austin so Brian went to Kaleb's room. As soon as Austin's nurse left the room to work on Kaleb, he decided he wanted a green Popsicle. We laid there and watched dragon tails until she came back(listening to Kaleb scream bloody murder the entire time). It was heartwreaching. We got the Popsicle and once she saw he ate it, she took the IV out and we were able to go see Kaleb. Poor baby. He just couldn't stop crying. Austin was happy by this point(all the morphine had kicked in) so I g0t to play with him. Kaleb still laid in bed with Brian and cried. He drank juice, ate 3 Popsicles, heck, Austin knew where the Popsicle stash was and raided it every minute and a half(I timed it). They ate so much! No matter what Kaleb ate, he still cried. After 30 minutes of him being in post op he was released. The nurse used a wheelchair and pushed the boys out to the truck. They thought they were really cool for not having to walk but Kaleb still whined.

Brian and I headed home thinking we would have a relaxing day and the kids would take a nap due to all the medicine and morphine. I'm not sure what we were thinking but the boys didn't take a nap nor did they get in bed early. UGH! Brian and I were exhausted!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Easter parties

Today was the boys Easter parties at school. I didn't get to go to Kaleb's party last year because I had Austin and you can't bring siblings due to state regulations. I felt like I truly missed out on something and still haven't forgiven myself. This year, I wasn't going to miss a second.
Austin's egg hunt started at 10:15 and I was there by 10:00. I hung out with Dr. Steve and his wife Mariweta who have triplets in Austin's class. Dr. Steve is the head Doctor in the ER at Baptist Collierville so I tend to hit him up with a ton of questions. Poor guy! He's so nice for a doctor which is the part I love. He talks to Austin like their best buds and when Austin walks in the door he walks right up to Dr. Steve and gives him a high five. This makes it a little easier to go to the ER when needed because we get to see Dr. Steve:) Man is it nice knowing people in high places! We hid the eggs and about 5 minutes later the class came out. Once the teacher opened the door, Austin was off!Each child was suppose to collect 12 eggs. Needless to say, Austin got about 25! He was even trading eggs with his girlfriend.He also stopped for some photo ops with his teacher.After all the eggs were found we took some class pictures. I wasn't able to get all the kids at once because of my camera, but I took some pictures of Austin. Can you tell which ones are the triplets? Of coarse, Austin is in between two of them!After the egg hunt, we headed inside for the party. It wasn't too exciting. The kids were extremely quit and ate the entire time.
Kaleb's party was next. They were all sitting at the tables eating food and also being quite.

The parents were bored(which doesn't take much) so we headed outside to hide Easter eggs. His class didn't take long to find all the eggs. Each child was only allowed 12 so it took Kaleb about 15 seconds.
Then he traded.

And took his picture with the Easter Bunny(Emma's Mom).

After Kaleb's egg hunt I took the boys home with me so we could rest up for tomorrow. I'm so ready for them to feel better........................

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A whole lot of NOTHING!

We didn't get out of our pajamas until 4:15 today. Yes, we did a whole lot of NOTHING! The kids have been driving me crazy to become members of Jumpstart.com so I finally decided to invest my $7.99 a month to see what it has to offer. Needless to say, I couldn't peel them off of it.
The note from Kaleb's teacher made me feel bad and his cough is terrible. We decided to rest, rest, rest....... Plus, I'll use any excuse not to workout! Austin played on my laptop while Kaleb used the other computer. We spent the entire day together in the office learning how to add, subtract, read, sort shapes, make a calendar, and a ton of other things. It was a lot of fun but a lot of nothing that the kids truly enjoyed. They were so proud of themselves for every accomplishment and every "badge" they earned. Their so smart! Even their teachers think so:)
Oh, we also put candy in their Easter eggs for school. I ended up finishing it so the kids could get back on the computer.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Note sent home

I got a note sent home from Kaleb's teacher today. She said that Kaleb's cough was very distracting and no one could fall asleep at rest time because he was so loud. If it happened again on Wednesday she would call me to come get him.
ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I'm sorry your 5 year old couldn't take a nap due to a child that can't breath out of his nose. Maybe your children should go to bed earlier and get 11 hours of sleep at night like mine so they don't require a nap. Needless to say, I was PISSED! I asked Kaleb a hundred question about what happened and he said he kept getting put into the thinking chair because he couldn't stop coughing. It's like he was punished because he coughed. He said it was worse during rest time and they made him move onto a harder floor away from everyone else. What kind of sense does that make? Kaleb hasn't fallen asleep EVER during rest time for the past 2 years that he's been going to that school. Why wouldn't they give him a cough drop or let him do something sitting up like coloring or read a book? You know he's not going to fall asleep! I'm talking to that teacher on Wednesday, or better yet, he's staying with me.........

Saturday, April 4, 2009

We need practice

Today was our first T-ball game. Brian and I were a nervous wreck not to mention Kaleb. He was so excited and had no idea what was about to happen. His team took the field first so he ran out and stood on first base. Not sure why, but he liked it there. The coach came and got him and moved him into left field. After about 15 minutes of him playing in the mud, they finally came in to bat.

This is his first time at bat. He ran straight to first base after a great hit. Brian and I were stoked! After the next batter, he proceeded to the pitchers mound then back to first base and finally over to second base. Luckily, they don't call outs or Kaleb would have been out a hundred times. Then, Kaleb runs to third base okay but hesitant. The next hit, he runs back to the pitchers mound then to third base and finally home. They didn't have a 3rd base coach to tell them where to go and thank goodness the coach for the other team helped him out! Seriously, what kind of coach do we have? I'm so frustrated with the Padres! If the coach needs help, he needs to ask for volunteers. Yes, our child is the youngest on the team and I'm not making excuses, but come on. For a child to have never been on a field before, he seriously needed some guidance. We still praised him and he wanted to quit but he pushed thru and played in the mud the rest of the time. Brian talked to him in the dugout and the third time he hit, he actually made it all the way around the bases correctly. We were so proud! Hopefully our next game will be better.
After the game, we headed out to my parents for our usual Saturday ritual. We didn't leave until 2:30 because we played with Blake, Avery, and Emma. Wow, were we ready for a nap by the time we made it home. Kiddos didn't get up until 4:30 which is almost bedtime! Oh well, they needed it.............

Friday, April 3, 2009

Watch the ball

After school Kaleb and I worked on throwing the baseball. He gets so scared when it's thrown to him that he closes his eyes and turns his head. Needless to say, he never catches it. I finally quit trying and decided to hide Easter eggs with Austin. While I was hiding eggs, Austin started throwing the eggs at me and we started laughing and throwing them at each other. Kaleb wanted in on the fun and he was actually trying to catch them. I told him to go get his glove and see if he could catch any eggs in it. What do ya know, it worked. He wasn't scared of them and watched them fall right into his glove. We did this for a little while with me constantly telling him to watch the egg. I switched back to the t-ball and he did fine. He was stoked he had practice again tonight because he had a lot of confidence that he could actually do this. Here's a picture of him on the way to practice. He loves to bat but pays zero attention while he's out in the field. He had his glove on his head, jumped around, and played ninja with other boys. Next thing you know, WHAM, the ball hit him in the face. He thought he was going to die. Kaleb's not very good at shaking anything off. He dwells on it and just doesn't get over anything quickly or sometimes, ever at all. I ran out on the field while some of the parents watched Austin for me. Kaleb cried for about 10 minutes while I tried to calm him down and explain to him why this happened. You have to watch the ball! Maybe he understands now but probably not. After I got him calmed down his team was racing around the bases and doing some sprints from home plate to 2ND base. He LOVES to run and once he saw the boys racing he let me know he was okay and I could go back with the other parents. Maybe he is learning how to shake things off. Here's a picture of his face with the ball laces on his nose. Poor guy:(

Thursday, April 2, 2009

First Practice

Tonight was our first T-ball practice. It's been raining so much that all of them have been cancelled. The coach finally decided that if it wasn't raining at 5:30 we were having practice even if the ground was soaking wet. So we went, in the mud, at the time that were suppose to be getting our pajamas on because it's almost bedtime.
Kaleb doesn't like to be dirty so he walked on his tiptoes the entire time making sure his shoes stayed clean. He would pick the ball up with his fingertips because it was wet and didn't want his hands dirty. I have no idea who he gets this from but it's hysterical. He doesn't even want to have fun because he has to stay clean. The practice lasted an hour. 45 minutes into it Kaleb yells "Mom, I'm ready to go home". My reply was "pay attention". 5 minutes later he says the same thing. Once again, I say "pay attention". After practice was over I told the boys to get in the truck because it was really late and already way past their bedtime. Kaleb looked and me and said "I told you I wanted to go home along time ago. I'm so tired. Why did you make me stay up so late". I had no response. I just smiled and asked him what he wanted for dinner.

We always say our favorite things we did during the day before we go to bed. Kaleb's favorite thing tonight was going to bed.

Getting some rest

We did our usual routine this morning. We played games, I worked with Kaleb on his reading, then we headed to the gym. Kaleb had swim lessons at 11:30 then we came home for lunch. The weather has been so nice lately that we've been playing outside all the time. Today it rained extremely hard! I decided to make the kids lay down and watch a movie for just a little bit. Austin pitched a fit that he didn't want to lay in my bed because he was scared he would fall asleep. Five minutes into the Transformer movie he was out. It's nice to take a nap every once in awhile:)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


The weather was beautiful today. Brian was at home when I picked the boys up from school so all four of us spent the afternoon outside. Brian cut the grass and the kids and I hid Easter eggs, played basketball, and their favorite "spies". We hide behind any and everything and pretend to shoot the "bad guys" and cars that come into the cove. Most of the drivers play along and stick up their hands once they see they've been shot. It's pretty funny watching random people we don't know do this. It makes me happy that their still a kid at heart and play along with our silly game. It reminds me that there really are some good people out in the world.