Saturday, April 4, 2009

We need practice

Today was our first T-ball game. Brian and I were a nervous wreck not to mention Kaleb. He was so excited and had no idea what was about to happen. His team took the field first so he ran out and stood on first base. Not sure why, but he liked it there. The coach came and got him and moved him into left field. After about 15 minutes of him playing in the mud, they finally came in to bat.

This is his first time at bat. He ran straight to first base after a great hit. Brian and I were stoked! After the next batter, he proceeded to the pitchers mound then back to first base and finally over to second base. Luckily, they don't call outs or Kaleb would have been out a hundred times. Then, Kaleb runs to third base okay but hesitant. The next hit, he runs back to the pitchers mound then to third base and finally home. They didn't have a 3rd base coach to tell them where to go and thank goodness the coach for the other team helped him out! Seriously, what kind of coach do we have? I'm so frustrated with the Padres! If the coach needs help, he needs to ask for volunteers. Yes, our child is the youngest on the team and I'm not making excuses, but come on. For a child to have never been on a field before, he seriously needed some guidance. We still praised him and he wanted to quit but he pushed thru and played in the mud the rest of the time. Brian talked to him in the dugout and the third time he hit, he actually made it all the way around the bases correctly. We were so proud! Hopefully our next game will be better.
After the game, we headed out to my parents for our usual Saturday ritual. We didn't leave until 2:30 because we played with Blake, Avery, and Emma. Wow, were we ready for a nap by the time we made it home. Kiddos didn't get up until 4:30 which is almost bedtime! Oh well, they needed it.............

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