Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Back to Reality

Today was the kids first day back to school from Christmas break. I truly enjoyed them being home and hated to see them go this morning. They were in good spirits and excited to see all their friends. We walked into school with three of our neighbors so it wasn't so bad.

I had great intentions of getting my bedroom and bathroom cleaned today but that didn't happen. One of my friends called and I was on the phone for an hour, then Brian came home for lunch. Before I knew it, it was 2:00 and I still hadn't worked out or gone to the grocery. Whew, I guess I'll try again tomorrow. I'm so ready to be productive. I did get a path cleared so if I have to get up in the middle of the night, I at least won't trip over anything.

After school I took the kiddos to the gym. It was so cold outside and we had nothing else to do. If we go straight home from school, the kids just want to play Wii or watch TV. I'm so tired of them being lazy. At least at the gym they get to play inside with their friends. But I do hate leaving them again.......

I should've checked their backpacks before we went to the gym. Both of them had about 45 minutes of homework and Brian had a dinner to go to. I have to sit with each of them the entire time so it’s a LONG hour and a half for me. I do Kaleb's first because it’s the hardest, but my goodness. I wish the stories he has to read weren't so long and boring. I do know everything about George Washington Carver though. Plus, every page he reads he has to check to see how many pages he has left. If he spent more time reading than worrying about when he will be done he would save at least 10 minutes.

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