Monday, January 5, 2009

Walking in the Woods

I was just getting Austin dressed for bed and asked him what the scratch on his face was from. He advised me that Aunt Andrea and him went walking in the woods at night and got bit by a snake and crocodile. Andrea, I'm hoping your wounds are healed and you don't go walking with him at night anymore. It sounds dangerous!
Kaleb had his evaluation today at school but I don't know what the results are until Wednesday! I'm a nervous wreck..........I feel like it's a report card and he's only 4. He told me he wrote his name with a big K and little aleb. He also said they asked him words(I have no idea what this means). Hopefully they sounded out letters and asked him what they were or what the letter sounds like. This is what we have really been working on so I hope it payees off. I know he's a smart kid but needs a lot of attention(as any 4 year old does). I do Hooked on Phonics but the boys are on different levels. It's hard to keep Austin occupied while I do Kaleb's lessons. Kaleb occupies himself because he's older, but I need to work with him longer because his lessons are harder.
Being a stay at home Mom you never feel like you do enough. I'm not trying to make them rocket scientist but I do want them to be a little ahead of everyone else so I can judge what's going on. I have a learning disability and don't want them to use this as an excuse if they do have one. I'm trying to prepare them for the worst and hoping for the best. I worked my rear end off my entire life to make sure I beat my problems(the medicine,physiologists, and Tudors). It was AWFUL! I just hope they do the same and they have a college degree like me. It's nice to beat the odds.
Please pray my kids got my perseverance and hope that this too shall pass if the worst comes true.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stacey, I am so sorry that I forgot to mention Austin's wounds to you! Next time, I promise that we will be more careful!! That is TOO funny! Don't you wonder where they come up with this stuff?