Friday, January 9, 2009

Emotional breakdown:(

Kaleb has been on my case since school started that he wanted to change classes. No one wants to be on his "team". All his friends are in other classes and he doesn't have any friends. When Colton, Max, and a couple of other kids from his three year old class leave the gym or playground, he has no one to play with and has to play by himself.
As a parent, you don't ever want your children to experience pain. I wish I could put my kids in a bubble and take all the heartache, tears, and pain away from them. I know this doesn't teach them life's "great" lessons but you still don't want them to be hurt or sad. Just like Jesus sacrificed for us, parents want to sacrifice for their children. I have cried many tears because the way Kaleb tells it. No one likes him! He never gets picked for a team, he plays by himself, never gets the good toys at gym because he's not in the "in" group. He's only 4 but I swear he's 13!
Today was my meeting with his teacher. I didn't have any academic questions, but social, and plenty of them:(
She started off checking out his progress report and letting me know that he was extremely smart. I started off with tears in my eyes and nervously asking if he had any friends. He hits Austin all the time and just isn't nice. I was trying to brace myself for the worst. Everyone gossips(it's Collierville) so I know their are kids in his class that no one likes. None of the Moms will tell you true information about your child to your face so you have to read between the lines. I wasn't picking up negative or positive vibes, or anything for that matter. None of the kids said anything about Kaleb which made me more nervous. Does my child seriously have ANY friends at all?
I boohooed for awhile which I already knew I would(because I can't get it together). Mrs. Faye(teacher) comforted me that he was probably the most outgoing and energetic kid in the class. Kaleb could play with the girls(they have cooties), shy boys, outgoing boys, and the kids that go to school 5 days a week. He doesn't get his feelings hurt easily, always asks really good and thought out questions, and never hits or does anything harmful to anyone else. He's always worried about everyone else's feelings and goes through the day without a care in the world. Ah, such a relief, but why am I still crying? I talked to the teacher a little bit longer about the day then headed outside to take the heavy school bags to the car.
I saw one of my friends sitting in her car because it was still early and went over to visit. Next thing I know I busted out crying again. Seriously! I have got to get it together..............
Motherhood is one emotional roller coaster!
The major benefit I got from the meeting is that I've GOT to do play dates with kids in Kaleb's class. I do them with kids from other classes which is why Kaleb wants to change so bad. He's so close to kids from his 3 year old class that I don't give him a chance to be close to his 4 year old class. I know it's my fault but you hate for them to loose old friends. I'm a sucker for the old.

1 comment:

kristen said...

Yes, being a mother is a HUGE emotional roller coaster. I'm right there with ya! Glad he got such a good report. Maybe one day we'll learn not to worry about our kids so much....but probably not! :)