Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Love us some Dewberry

When we lived in Rossville, we use to live across the street from The Dewberry's. They're great people and amazing friends! I cried my eyes out the day we moved and couldn't even look Alisa in the face. I was devastated(if only we could have had a shed). Now, I have to setup play dates and with this crazy weather we have, our kids keep getting sick. We never get to see each other, nor do the kids get to play anymore. It's killing me.
I saw their son Blake today and was amazed. He's so tall, slender, and really cute. He's going to be a looker and trouble when he gets older. I've seen him grow up so much that I feel like he's my son and am absolutely stunned! He tells me how to drive(including merging into oncoming traffic), gets annoyed when I talk too much, and doesn't like to give me hugs. He acts just like my kids but older and cooler. I hope the boys stay friends forever because I really love me some Dewberry!
Today, we went to the park and didn't play with any of the playground equipment. We played in the ditches(fishing for snakes), pond, rocks, and bridges(I didn't get a picture).
I invited Blake to come over sometime next week so hopefully we will get to see him again soon. We love and miss y'all very much and look forward to this summer. Y'all better come over daily for a swim.

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