Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Bad to crap, seriously!

Everything was going okay until around 10:30. I knew that some of our friends were going to borrow our truck today, but I didn't get details and honestly, didn't think about it. We headed to the dry cleaners then the gym as always. We have to be at the gym by 9:30 because they have music time and the instructors love the boys being there. They take over and do the entire thing so the employees just watch Kaleb and Austin instruct. I think it has to do with their fascination with the Wiggles when they were younger. We used to sing and dance ALL day. While they were in the class, I went and worked out as usual for an hour. I returned to the locker room(where my phone was) and realized I had several missed calls. Our friends came over to get the truck and I wasn't there to give them the keys. I felt terrible!

After I got off the phone, I got the kids ready for swim lessons. Austin goes first and can't stand them! He's too young to be in the class and has no clue what's going on. He's in a class with 5 year old's and just turned 3. He doesn't have the ability to do the things that they're trying to teach him and doesn't want to try(I can't blame him). I didn't want him to quit the class but it was a total waste of time. He stuck it out and had his last class today. He yelled at the instructor the entire time telling her he didn't want to do it. He doesn't stop until he's acknowledged and it was driving her crazy. She has 5 other kids in the class and Austin wouldn't stop saying Mrs. Leah over, and over, and over again! I was getting frustrated and just told him he was done with class and could get in the hot tub. I was so tired of hearing him.

Next up, Kaleb. It was terrible. He didn't do anything his teacher asked him to do. He floated around, held onto the lane dividers, and swam underwater doing his own little thing. He didn't do anything his coach told him to do and he was making me crazy. I can't stand when people quit. I was never a quitter, but the boys, oh my gosh! I could strangle them sometimes.

After swim lessons we headed home for lunch. Kaleb pitched a fit for a PB&J sandwich and of course, I didn't have bread. I needed some for lunches tomorrow so we headed to Kroger. I didn't have my purse because I carry a swim bag to the gym. I ended up carrying my wallet which was an awful mistake. We got our groceries fine then headed home. We ate lunch then the boys headed up stairs to play Hot wheels.

I looked everywhere for the keys to Brian's truck. I couldn't find them anywhere and had friends coming over shortly to borrow it. Brian was in a meeting at his corporate office and I couldn't get in touch with him so I was doomed. I ended up setting the hitch for the trailer outside because I didn't know what else to do. Seriously, nothing is going right!

We watched Meet the Robinson's at rest time then played Hot wheels again. It was time for us to pick-up Brian's dry cleaning so I tried to load the kids into the truck. I got my purse and started looking for my wallet. I remembered having it at Kroger, but couldn't remember if I brought it inside when I got home, left it in the truck, or in the buggy at Kroger. I was freaking out! I searched my truck and the house for at least 30 minutes. Kaleb fell and skinned his knee during my crazy frantic period in which he preceded to cry an HOUR! Seriously, I'm not kidding. Also, I had the back of my truck open and one of the kids decided to open the garage. Yes, I thought I was going to die. Kaleb was crying, the lift gate on my truck was about to rip off, you could smell the motor on my garage burning up, and I couldn't find my wallet. Yes, good times. All I could do was cry. Losing your wallet has got to be one of the worst what do I do now feelings, ever. It takes forever to get a new license, credit cards, the whole nine yards.
I decided to look one more time in my truck with a flashlight. Heck, they do it on CSI so I thought I would try. I checked the driver, passenger, Kaleb's, then Austins side looking everywhere. I walked away then came back to Austins and there it was. Lodged between his cup holder and the seat. AHHHH, pure relief!

Kaleb was still crying but I finally got him in the truck. Austin had mentioned earlier that he needed to go number 2 but I got so wrapped up in finding my wallet that I forgot.
5 miles down the rode, can anyone guess? Yes, Austin pooped his pants, Kaleb was still crying because of the small scrape on his leg that had no blood, and 7 minutes ago I thought I had lost everything because my wallet was missing. Life's funny sometimes. Needless to say we also made a quick trip to the liqueur store because frankly, I really wanted a glass of wine and it's a big parking lot so I could shake the poop out of Austin's pants. Life as a mother is great! We stopped and got a pizza because we missed supper time while I was looking for my wallet. We raced home, ate, jammies, then bed. Now I'm headed there............Goodnight. Tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it:)


Shawn Amore said...

Yikes, I think you needed the whole bottle after that.

kristen said...

Oh my gosh, I am cracking up! Yes, isn't life funny sometimes, lol. I'm glad everyone survived the day. :)

Anonymous said...

what a day you had!!!If you read it now it is quite humorous. Just remember this to shall pass! Love you! Trish