Thursday, June 30, 2011

Answered Prayers

Before I put the kids to bed last night I promised them I would not yell today. I absolutely love my kids but I don't like the person they were making me be. Seriously, who was that crazy lady? So, today is a new day with no mistakes in it! That was my prayer/motto for today:)
I was up at 6:50! Wow, that's good for me. I'm usually up by 7:00 so 10 minutes early isn't bad. I could feel the day was starting off great. I wanted to be at the gym at 8:00(which is when the childcare opens) but Brian wanted to see the kids today since the only time he saw them yesterday was when all 3 of us were kicking and screaming. Seriously, it was that bad. I agreed and decided to go at 8:20. Once I got to the gym one of my friends was standing in the parking lot waiting for people from the "run club" to show up. I haven't seen her in about 3 weeks and have missed her smiling face. Plus, I need more smiles in my life right now. Oh, this day is gonna be great!

Then, she asked me if I was running today. Oh no! I can't run with her. Please don't ask, please don't ask. I fearfully/jokingly said sort of running if that's what you call it . She's a runner, like a REAL runner. She could kick my butt in nothing flat and I would bow to her. Seriously, she's good. I tend to trot and talk. I'm better at talking than trotting if you get my drift. She told me no one showed up for the "run club"and wanted to know if I wanted to run with her. It was my worst nightmare coming true. Seriously, you want to run with me. Panic took over. It's only 8:30 and I'm a nervous wreak. I told her I had to check the kids in and would be back. She could start without me.
Please let her have started without me! I took my time checking the kids in and putting my stuff in a locker hoping she wouldn't be there when I returned. But she was. Smiling. And honestly, it made me happy to see her again. She knew she wasn't going to run her usual pace but she didn't care. She just wanted to spend time with me. Oh how I needed that. We ran and talked about everything. There is one hill that for the life of me I can't make it to the top without stopping and I made it and another mile past it. Honestly, it was easy. I was letting that hill beat me and I finally beat it today. As of 9:30 today, my life was amazing, I had wonderful children, great friends, and an amazing God for answering my tearful prayers. God is so good. I'm glad yesterday is in the past. Not the future!

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