Friday, June 12, 2009

Hurricane Season Part 1(Me)

After all of Kaleb's friends left, I decided to head to the cheap liqueur store in Cordova. It's at the Costco on Germantown Parkway, so it's a long haul for us. Really, only 13 miles but for someone who doesn't leave Collierville, it feels like were going out of town. The kids used the restroom and we loaded up. The sky was cloudy all day so I didn't think anything about it. I talked to my sister on the way and complained to her that right when I got there it started raining. We laughed about it because it's just my luck.

I headed into the store, got what I wanted, then went back to the truck. It only took me about 5 minutes but by the time we left, it was POURING rain. I got the kids in first then loaded my stuff still not thinking there was a problem. Since we were in the area I told the kids we would go to the McDonald's with the huge indoor playground. They were stoked! I turned left on Germantown and headed about half a mile down to 64. I thought about running the yellow light but didn't because still, I had no idea what was about to happen. I sat there and all of a sudden my truck started rocking. It was swaying back and forth like we were on a roller coaster. I started getting scared when the lights started to fall and blue sparks from the transformer were shooting everywhere. I prayed so hard for that light to turn green and the second it did, I was off like a Nascar driver. I pulled into McDonald's parking lot, but wasn't about to go in. The entire place is glass and didn't want to be in there if all the glass blew. So, I turned around and headed back to the scary light. The light was out so we had to treat it like a four way stop. I didn't follow the law and went with the truck in front of me. I was getting out of there!

I'm not afraid of storms, but I do have to admit, I was scared. My cell phone wasn't working so I had no contact with the outside world and still had no idea what was going on. The boys were watching a movie so I didn't want to turn it off and make them listen to scary sirens or anything of concern. I stayed positive for the kids sake but was dying inside. They were scared to death and I kept talking about God and Angels and how they would protect us. We saw a cop and I told the boys that if anything bad was going to happen the cop would protect us. I did everything I could to stay right beside the cop so I could give the boys a sense of safety. They were fine with that and remained calm the entire time.

My in laws live about 4 miles from Wolf chase so we headed over there. I wasn't sure they were at home so I ran up to the door to knock and luckily, they opened. I ran back to the truck for the boys and everyone got inside. The boys ran in with smiles on their sweet faces because their cousins were there. I followed behind and as soon as my feet hit the tile I busted out crying. My in-laws tried to console me but I didn't want the boys to see that I was upset. I jetted to the bathroom and boohooed for about a minute. I shook it off, then headed back out so the boys and my nieces wouldn't get suspicious. I didn't want the boys to think that they weren't safe or the girls to think something extremely bad had happened out there that they were unaware of. I plastered myself to the TV while craziness was going on all around me.

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