Tuesday, August 4, 2009

School registration

This morning I registered Kaleb for Kindergarten:( Registration started at 7:30 so I decided to wait until 8:15 to arrive. I didn't want to get caught in line with the people trying to do it before heading to work. Once I arrived, I was a nervous wreck. I had no clue what to do or where to go. Luckily, it was very organized and didn't take too long. I got my car number first, then headed to the cafeteria for registration. Only Kindergarten was in there because we had a TON of paperwork. It took me 45 minutes to fill out all the forms. Thankfully, my mother-in-law watched the boys so I didn't have to worry about them. A lot of other parents brought their kids and fought with them to sit down the entire time.
Once I filled out all the forms I headed up to the Kindergarten teachers to turn everything in. As soon as I sat down at the lunch table(they had the same ones as Skyview) I wanted to bust out crying. I sat there quietly, staring, waiting, watching, as the teacher checked everything. I wanted to talk to her but I was scared if I opened my mouth, not only words, but fountains of tears would come pouring out. I had so many questions, but I couldn't muster up the voice to ask them. Oh well, I guess I'll figure everything out. At least I didn't boohoo!
After I got done with the teacher I headed to the serving area of the cafeteria to put money on Kaleb's account. I had no idea how much money to put on it or even if he needed money. I always pack his lunch, but apparently they have "fun Friday's" for Kindergarten. I'm not exactly sure what "fun Friday's" are because the cafeteria lady was talking about my purse and I was glad to be talking about something else other than registering Kaleb for school.

I've never been to a public school before and I never thought I would send my kids to one. My parents did everything they could so Shawn and I could always attend private schools and here I am, sending mine to public. I'm extremely nervous and weary about it. Our elementary schools are really great here. Bailey Station(where the boys will go) is the newest elementary school in Collierville. It's about 5 years old and has really great teachers. Some of them I went to college with so that makes me feel a little better. I don't know any of the Kindergarten teachers, but hopefully Kaleb will get a good one. I find out Friday at 6:00 pm who his teacher is. Also, I didn't know that Kindergarten only goes one day next week! I thought on Monday he would start going to school from 9-4 everyday. I got to pick which day I want him to go next week so I put down Tuesday or Thursday. Yea! One more week of SUMMER!!!!!

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