Friday, April 22, 2011

Kids first race

The boys finished their 1st Family Fun run today. It was the longest mile I have ever ran. I ran with Kaleb and he started whining about 30 seconds into it and started to walk. Austin made it about 45 seconds before he started whining. We ran 1/2 a mile to a cop on a motorcycle, ran around him then came back. After we made the turn where the boys could see the finish line(same as the start) they noticed it wasn't that far away. Both boys ran the entire way back. Brian and I were really impressed since it was so painful making it to the turnaround. I'm glad I decided to only do the 1 mile fun run. I think they would have died if we did the 3.1 miles instead! These are our pre-race pictures. I didn't take post race because my camera's heavy and I didn't want to carry it around.

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