Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Cystic Fibrosis

We finally got Kaleb tested for Cystic Fibrosis this morning. I have no idea how long it will take to get the results back but I'm going to call the ENT on Friday if I haven't heard anything. When Kaleb had his Endoscopic sinus surgery last year the doctor found a cyst and he wanted us to get the test done then.
I couldn't make the appointment and everything had to go through my ENT. Needless to say, it took forever to get it lined up. This was our 4th appointment so I was determined to make it. Once I dropped Austin off at Brian's parents, Kaleb and I headed downtown to Le Bonheur. We finally get there(morning rush hour traffic) and we didn't have an appointment! I have no idea what happened but I pitched a fit and got them to work me in since we were the only ones there. I also called Dr. Naidu and asked them again when the appointment was. They confirmed that it was today but Le Bonheur said March 29.
I've made a point not to "google" Cystic Fibrosis because I really don't want to know what it is. I did however just google it to check the spelling and completely wish I hadn't. I got sucked in just like I knew I would and am totally freaking out. Please pray for my sweet Kaleb and for me to hold it together until I know the results.

1 comment:

kristen said...

He's going to be fine. Please don't worry. Chase was also tested for CF and I know about 4 other mom's who had their son's tested as well, and all were negative. It's just an easy test to give and to rule out one thing so they can mark that off their list of possibilities. I'll be praying for peace.