Sunday, September 20, 2009

It's been awhile!

Sorry it's been so long since I updated this thing. I feel so bad but it really hasn't been that high on my priority list. Here's the breakdown of everyone.

Kaleb's going to school 5 days a week and doing great. His school work has been phenomenal but his conduct is always a question. The first week of school he kept getting in trouble for playing in the bathroom. He would climb the walls thinking he wouldn't get in trouble because his teacher couldn't come in the bathroom because she's a girl. He found out real quick that she could and has finally stopped climbing the walls in the restroom. He cut his hair the other day but didn't get in trouble. He thinks it's too long and I'm working on getting him a haircut.

Austin's going to school 2 days a week and loves it. He wants to walk into school by himself because Kaleb does but I don't let him. He thinks I'm cramping his style. Oh well! He can get over it because I'm not ready to let go. On Monday's and Friday's we go to the gym then do a ton of errands or clean house. Wednesday's are our fun day. We've gone to the Big Backyard every Wednesday except for 9/16. He doesn't care about the Big Backyard as much as he does feeding the fish. I went to Walmart and bought a huge bag of fish food so we take our own and feed them for hours. It's really quite entertaining.
Brian's work was crazy last month. They had a goal to sell 500 cars and sold 596! He worked the entire month from 8 am till at least 10 pm everyday. I couldn't wait until August was over. It was by far the hardest month of the year for all of us. The stress was way too much for Brian and I and I probably cried at least every other day if not more. Brian was gone, Kaleb started Kindergarten, and I turned 30!
About me...........well what can I say, life is CRAZY! I'm back in school taking Anatomy and Physiology. My teacher is awesome and I'm very fortunate to have gotten her. She speaks English which is a plus for Biology teachers because most of them barely do. I'm in school the entire time Austin is so I have zero time to myself this year. That's why Monday's and Friday's are extremely packed with errands and grocery shopping. Austin's such a trouper.
Brian's picking the kids up from school on Thursday's because I don't get out until 3:30. It breaks my heart when I drop them off because I know I won't be there when they get out. Yes, I still cry so if you see me on Thursday's walking out of school, please don't talk to me. I'm making a beeline to my truck so I can boohoo by myself. Pathetic, I know. I've even been doing my labs before hand trying to get out earlier. It's worked so far but next week I have to use a microscope so I can't do it by myself.
My first test is Thursday. I understand all of the Anatomy but the Chemistry is where I'm having problems. My mother in law is going to watch Austin on Wednesday so I can study. Hopefully, I'll do good but we shall see. I'm the only person I know of in my class that is taking it for the first time. Everyone else is repeating it and seems to have the upper hand. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to study a lot harder.

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